Ninjutsu: Owari's Judgment

Ninjutsu: Owari's Judgment
When using this magic card, it costs 4 if you have 3 or fewer life.

Select any number of your opponent's spirits with a combined total of 5000 or fewer BP and destroy them.
Chain: Green(If you have a green symbol, also activate the following effect.)
Select up to three cards in your opponent's trash. Your opponent returns them to the bottom of their deck in any order.

Select any number of your opponent's spirits with a combined total of 5000 or fewer BP and destroy them.
Chain: Green(If you have a green symbol, also activate the following effect.)
Select up to three cards in your opponent's trash. Your opponent returns them to the bottom of their deck in any order.
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Autres versions
Cette carte est disponible en plusieurs versions. Il peut s'agir tout aussi bien de versions au design alternatif que de versions brillantes (aussi appelées foil).
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